Auto event correlation across multiple individual alerts to get to the root cause of ongoing critical incidents using AI based event correlation models.

AIOPs Use Cases Coverage

Predictive Analytics

Auto Investigation

Auto Event Correlation

Automated Remediation

Predictive Analytics
Predict problems ahead of time by using AI based prediction models to make key decisions for capacity expansion to accommodate future growth. Compare predictions from various AI models to proactively detect and resolve problems ahead of time before they result in outage or downtime
Automated Investigations
Perform automated problem investigations using AI based data correlation models to determine potential root causes. Save time from manual investigations and data correlation to make quick resolution decisions using AI based approach

Auto Event Correlation
Coming Soon !!!
Save time from investigating individual alerts. Get to the root cause quicker with out of box automated event correlation to predetermine potential root causes using AI based auto event correlation models
Automated Remediation
Automate remediation for most common problems by using flexible shell scripting mechanisms attached to alert triggers. Auto fix problems before they can turn into outages or downtime.
Coming Soon !!
Automation Integrations with Playbook, Ansible, Netbrain etc