Govt & Federal
Govt & Federal
While the private sector can more freely embark on an IT initiative, government IT is accountable to its citizens. As a consequence, it has little control over the budget, and it needs to be transparent in everything from purchasing decisions to data management. The situation hands government IT unique challenges in terms of budget, accountability, expertise, manpower, and timetables, among others.
Lack of Transparency
While government agencies are working to improve their transparency to respond to the needs of citizens, outdated technology solutions are holding these efforts back. In order to respond to citizens’ technology expectations for convenience, agencies are now focusing on the Internet, mobile devices, and social media to communicate with citizens and to provide better services.
Outdated Infrastructure Legacy System Incompatibility
Most of government IT expenditure goes to maintain legacy systems. In a recent survey most of state CIOs said that 60 percent or more of their budget is spent on maintaining existing systems, leaving little opportunity to invest in new solutions that could enhance productivity.
In the public sector, government IT is faced with the challenges of outdated legacy hardware, data center overload, and establishing infrastructure that can handle up-to-date technologies. The root of the problem is that legacy system incompatibility makes it unfeasible to simply install new systems, as they cannot communicate with legacy systems. In short, the networks of these organizations cannot fully support the requirements of cloud computing, mobile, the Internet of Things, and big data.
Local, state, and federal governments are aiming to make their tech initiatives more open, responsive, technically up to date, and secure. As a consequence, state and local IT leaders are dealing with years of pent-up demand and are now focused on numerous new initiatives. For state and local leaders, the priorities often highlighted are security, cloud, consolidation, and big data/analytics. The right MSP partner can be the catalyst for making these initiatives a reality in the present
ThoughtData’s solutions helps Government/Federal IT embrace new technologies with confidence and migrate from legacy systems for improving citizen experience and collaboration in various govt initiatives and also protect critical government data assets against modern cyber attacks.